
I. 目的. This Procedure is adopted to implement the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 Policy (“Policy”).

II. Scope and Applicability. 本程序适用于政策中定义的所有临床参与者.

3. 定义

A. All capitalized terms in this Procedure have the meanings provided in the Policy.

B. All other capitalized terms in this Procedure have the following meanings:

1. Acceptable Proof of Vaccination includes a copy of:

a. The record of immunization from a health care provider or pharmacy;

b. The 新型冠状病毒肺炎 vaccination record card;

c. Medical records documenting the vaccination;

d. Immunization records from a public health, state, or tribal immunization information system; or

e. Any other official documentation that contains the individual’s name, type of vaccine administered, date(s) of administration, 以及接种疫苗的卫生保健专业人员或诊所的名称。.

2. HR means the Office of Human Resources.

3. 违规是指违反政策、本程序或蒙面程序.

4. 项目是临床参与者注册或受雇的学习项目.

5. Public Safety means the College’s Office of Public Safety and Police.

IV.  Proof of Vaccination for Clinical Participants

A. Clinical Participants must submit Acceptable Proof of Vaccination to the Program, showing that they have been Fully Vaccinated, by the deadline set by the Program.

1. Documentation should generally include the individual’s name, type of vaccine administered, date(s) of administration, 以及管理新型冠状病毒肺炎疫苗的卫生保健专业人员或诊所地点的名称.

2. 副本, including digital copies, such as a digital photograph, 扫描图像, 或PDF格式, must clearly and legibly display the necessary information.

3. If the Clinical Participant receives a QR code to access their vaccination information, 临床参与者必须提供扫描二维码时检索到的疫苗接种信息的副本, not just the QR code.

4. 如果临床参与者试图从其卫生保健提供者和公共卫生信息系统获得可接受的疫苗接种证明,并且无法这样做, 临床参与者可以提交由项目和临床现场批准的证明, 如果需要 by the Clinical Site.

B. 验证

1. The Program will validate the Clinical Participant’s vaccination status.

2. 如果计划确定临床参与者的疫苗接种证明不准确或有效, 学院会通知临床参加者重新提交疫苗接种证明.

3. 直到临床参与者提供可接受的疫苗接种证明,该证明已被该计划验证, the Clinical Participant will not be permitted to go to the Clinical Site, unless the Clinical Participant requests and is granted an accommodation.

V. 住宿

A. Submitting a Request for Accommodation

1. A Clinical Participant who has a medical condition, 残疾, or sincerely held religious belief, 妨碍他们接种任何新型冠状病毒肺炎疫苗的习俗或惯例可能有资格获得免除完全接种疫苗要求的便利, depending on the circumstances.

2. 住宿 are not guaranteed, 提供住宿的决定将由学院在互动过程中自行决定.

3. The College’s ability to provide an accommodation depends on a number of factors, including but not limited to, the Clinical Participant’s specific needs; the nature of the Clinical Participant’s courses or job duties; and the safety of the Clinical Participant, other students and employees, patients and employees of Clinical Sites, 公众, 以及有关住宿会否对学院造成不适当的困难,或对临床参加者或其他人的安全构成直接威胁.

4. 临床参与者可使用“诊所住宿申请表”(“申请表”)提交住宿申请,以寻求住宿。.

5. 由于医疗或残疾原因提出的住宿要求必须由卫生保健提供者提供文件支持.

6. Infection-Induced Immunity

a. 虽然围绕新型冠状病毒肺炎感染诱导的免疫和自然产生的抗体的科学正在发展, 没有足够的证据表明学院认为感染诱导免疫或自然产生的抗体足以减少接触, or reinfection from, 新型冠状病毒肺炎 and thus, 学院不会将先前感染新型冠状病毒肺炎视为从政策或本程序中提供住宿的依据.

b. 如果临床参与者在临床开始前的最后九十(90)天内曾使用单克隆抗体或恢复期血浆治疗新型冠状病毒肺炎, 临床参与者可以使用申请表请求医疗延期,并且必须提供医疗提供者的文件,并注明治疗的最后一天.

7. 在学院对住宿请求做出决定之前,正在寻求住宿的临床参与者将无法参加临床.

B. 最后期限

1. 学院雇用的临床参与者或临床参与者必须在项目书面规定的截止日期之前提交一份申请表并获得住宿批准.

2. 作为临床参与者的新员工必须在入职日期之前提交申请表,但如果他们希望寻求住宿,则必须在入职日期后的三(3)个工作日内提交申请表.

3. 未能遵守上述规定的最后期限可能导致延迟开始临床, in the College’s sole discretion.

4. 在上一学期被拒绝住宿申请的临床参与者可以在随后的学期提交新的申请表.

C. Processing Requests for Accommodation

1. 根据政策和本程序的要求提出的调整请求可能需要最多十四(14)天的时间来处理.

2. 决策者

a. 作为员工的临床参与者提交的住宿请求将由人力资源执行总监决定.

b. 临床参加者如因残疾或医疗原因而提出住宿申请,将由残疾支援服务人员决定.

c. 作为学生的临床参与者因宗教原因提交的住宿请求将由学生发展主任办公室的三(3)名工作人员组成的小组决定.

3. After an accommodation request has been reviewed and processed, 如果住宿被批准或拒绝,临床参与者将通过电子邮件通知他们的学院颁发的电子邮件帐户.

4. Unless and until an accommodation is approved, the Clinical Participant will not be permitted to go to the Clinical Site.

5. If denied an accommodation, 它可能会妨碍学生顺利完成课程和项目和/或员工履行其工作的基本职能.

D. 上诉权

1. 如果临床参与者希望对与政策或本程序相关的住宿请求的决定提出上诉, 临床参与者必须在决定发送给临床参与者的三(3)个日历日内通过电子邮件向以下决策者提交上诉,并包括上诉的原因:

a. 员工 Medical/Disability/Religious Appeals – Provost/Vice President of Learning

b. Student Medical/Disability Appeals – Director of Disability Support Services

c. Student Religious Appeals – Dean of Student Development

2. If an appeal is not granted, 临床参与者可以在上诉决定发送给临床参与者的三(3)个日历日内通过电子邮件向以下二级决策者提交上诉,并包括上诉原因:

a. 雇员医疗/残疾/宗教申诉-学习资源管理副总裁

b. Student Medical/Disability Appeals – Dean of Student Success

c. Student Religious Appeals – Vice President of Learner Support Services

3. 二级决策者的上诉决定为终局决定,不得上诉或申诉.

E. 换发新证

1. 住宿 will only be granted for one semester.

2. 如果临床参与者获得住宿,通知将包括到期日.

3. 临床参与者必须在有效期前至少两(2)周提交重新认证请求.

4. 如果临床参与者未能重新证明并向计划提供决定的副本, the Clinical Participant will not be permitted to go to the Clinical Site.

F. Clinical Site Requirement

1. Even if the College were to grant a request for an accommodation, the Clinical Site may not accept the College’s determination, 可能会妨碍学生顺利完成课程和项目和/或员工履行其工作的基本职能.

2. If the Clinical Site requires a Clinical Participant to be Fully Vaccinated, 是最新的, submit to 新型冠状病毒肺炎 testing, or any other requirement regarding 新型冠状病毒肺炎, 临床参与者必须直接从临床现场单独寻求住宿, 除非临床站点以书面形式确认其将允许学院代表临床站点做出有关住宿的决定.

a. 临床参与者有责任了解临床现场的规则,如果临床现场有要求的话, requesting an exemption or accommodation directly from the Clinical Site. 请注意,一些临床站点将不考虑豁免或调整其疫苗任务的请求.

b. If the Clinical Site grants an exemption or accommodation, 临床参与者必须在临床开始日期前至少两(2)周向项目提交一份决定副本.

i. 临床基地的决定并不保证学院将根据其对临床诊所的疫苗授权给予住宿.

ii. If an accommodation request is denied by the Clinical Site, the Clinical Participant will not be permitted to go to the Clinical Site.

c.  如果临床站点要求学院收集有关临床参与者的最新信息或定期或临时新型冠状病毒肺炎测试结果的信息, 临床参与者必须按照项目的指示向项目提交最新的测试结果证明.

VI. 执行

A. 员工

1. 如果作为临床参与者的员工没有完全接种疫苗,并且没有被学院和临床站点授予住宿, 如果需要, 雇员可能无法参加临床工作,也可能无法履行工作的基本职能, which could lead to termination of employment.

2. If an Employee commits an Infraction, 该员工的主管将与人力资源部门协商,在考虑任何减轻处罚的情况后决定纪律处分, the gravity of the Infraction(s) involved, previous Infractions by an Employee, or other disciplinary action in the Employee’s personnel file.

3. 与违规相关的渐进纪律通常包括以下步骤:

a. 口头警告, 由适当的主管向员工口头陈述员工的违规行为,并记录在员工的人事档案中;

b. 书面警告, 哪一份是员工主管给员工的描述员工违规行为的书面声明, 并建议,未能纠正的行为或其复发可能是纪律的理由, up to and including termination of employment;

c. Unpaid suspension, which is a period of time determined by the College that the Employee may not perform work and will not be paid due to an Employee’s Infraction and during which the Employee is not permitted to use available accrued leave and will be in a leave without pay status; and

d. Termination, which is dismissal from the College for an Employee’s Infraction.

4. 学院保留根据具体情况和违规性质合并或跳过步骤的权利.

5. HR must approve any disciplinary action, beyond a verbal warning, for an Infraction(s) in advance of the supervisor taking disciplinary action.

a. 所有纪律处分将记录在员工的人事档案中,由人力资源部门保存.

b. 主管可以在不事先与人力资源部门协商的情况下对违规行为发出口头警告,但必须将口头警告以书面形式记录下来,并提交人力资源部门,以便纳入员工的人事档案.

B. 学生

1. 如果学生是临床参与者,没有完全接种疫苗,也没有被学院和临床中心授予住宿, 如果需要, 学生将无法完成他们的临床,也可能无法成功完成他们的学习计划.

2. If a Student commits an Infraction, 学生可能会被转介到社区标准办公室,根据学生行为准则采取纪律处分.


政策的标题: Interim 新型冠状病毒肺炎 Vaccination for Clinical Participants Procedure



Policy Administrator: Vice President of Learning Resources Management

Contact Informationmabeardmore@ngskmc-eis.net; 410-777-2532.

批准日期: 2023年6月14日


历史: Interim Procedure on Vaccination, 测试, and Face Coverings adopted on January 26, 2022; Revised and retitled on March 24, 2022; Revised August 23, 2022; Approved March 24, 2023

适用于: All Clinical Participants, as defined in the Policy

Related 政策新型冠状病毒肺炎政策

Related Procedures:

形式/指南Accommodation Request Form for Clinicals

有关法律: N/A